I am an avid journaler, so much so, that on the shelves of my desk hold at least ten journals, each with a different theme or focus. From gardening and plants, to tarot and gratitude, I love to journal. There is so much that can be said about journaling in regards to being an ally and healing enhancer. Journaling allows you full expression, or control of your expression, over a situation or circumstance without ever relinquishing safety or discomfort to the weight your words carry. You can tell someone to fuck off, without them ever knowing it. You can list every dream you have ever had to make connections to your subconscious projection. You can document and follow the course of your free-flowing thoughts with no regard to cause or consequence.

Journaling allows you to speak what needs to be spoken, without saying a word. It allows you the metaphorical microphone of universal witnessing. It is a sacred act of self-expression. I want to highlight one journal in particular- The Hero’s Journal. I want to highlight this journal as my pick for the month because it is a helpful tool for people like me who love to journal, but often get sucked into the format of free-write with little to no organization or thought for layout. This journal has also been helpful in keeping me on track, and reminding each day that the process of success of attainment is a journey, not a destination.

What It Offers: Organization, Visualization, and Balance

This journal is broken down into a complex format given for each day. The organization of this journal is loaded with resources including:

* offering gratitude, which has been shown to keep a positive perspective and sense of levity to all situations

*A calendar that allows you to adequately plan your day

*A place to write down what your goal is, so you can be reminded each and every day of what you are working for

* The most important three tasks to make sure you’re fulfilling the requirements needed to stay on track.

*An affirmation to motivate and inspire

*Needed balance in vocalizing threats and allies. Knowing both allows you to lean into support, while staying mindful of what could be a hindrance.

*There is a dotted section, helpful for any add-on’s, thoughts, or reminders. The visualization is adorable, and helps to give comedic relief, as well as reminding you that this is a journey.

*The journal is broken down into chapters with further journal prompts so you can move honestly and thoroughly through each phase of your journal.

I personally love the layout and feel of this journal. The thought process behind the creation, which you can get in more detail by clicking here to watch a short YouTube video from the creators, is this: by viewing and pursuing your goal as a quest and as a desire instead of a destination you become more awake to the vibrancy of your calling. You become more emboldened to live and feel and breathe in your personal paradigm.

In order for anything to be manifested, it isn’t enough to merely want it. You have to have the desire to see the journey through, during the discouragement and the beauty. This journal has been helpful for me in keeping me engaged each day that I use it. It has reminded me of my why and helps with my how. It makes me smile because who could’t smile at those adorable little raccoons on the bottom of the second page?

I love the layered approach to each daily post, and how the transition of the journey moves and morphs over time, as do all journeys we encounter. There are three different kinds of journeys, so you can choose your adventure. What I love so much about this journal is that I get to see the trajectory of my quest, and track my adventure. You can pre-order a journal by clicking here. If you like to journal, like to keep track of your progress, or want to give your goal some emphasis in folklore, check this journal out.

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