
“In the mountains, where the pines bend and sigh like my swans. / At the table, where the teapot presides like my swans, over all lesser things. / My swans were sharp and hungry as desire, and I fed and forgave  /  them too.” ~ Veronica Patterson Where are My Swans?


Last week, we were standing on our edge, puncturing the flat surface of our internal lakes to unleash the flowing ripples. Now that the waters have been stirred, now that we have started to form that link between the oceans we endure and the shores we wait on, we need to focus on what that means for our emotions. Letting the creatures surface empowers us to hear that wild call and let our emotions start to shake. This comes with responsibilities. We need to rule with a thick skin, but a warm heart.

The father swan swims alone, black like obsidian. He is apart from the rest. This does not bother him. Behind him is a deluge. Again, he is undeterred. He gracefully floats, comfortable and at ease. He is completely folded in proper corners of awareness and insight. Because the Father of Cups is reversed here, his energy is on the internal level, not quite ready to breach the surface.

In this space, we need to be accountable for the emotions we hold. These emotions could manifest and leave the skin, or they could stay covered, continuing to ride the unseen currents. Wherever they end, these emotions carry weight. Our emotions are part of our cosmic canyons, heavy in consequences and rewards.

James Roper

In the light, the reversed Father of Cups speaks to gaining a grip on our emotions, and how it helps us conquer ground. We can internally process and grow, We can ignite the tinder of our circumstances and relationships. Here, we choose what we carry, and let what is important be known to others when the time is right. In this sacred space, there isn’t a need to fight others in pursuit to wave our emotional flags. We can bear the storm of circumstance, take what is given, and melt it down to be reborn again, soft as gold or hard as a diamond. We can be adorned in black feathers in a sea of white, and never feel out of place.

In the shadows, these emotions can turn toxic if we let them. Instead of using our emotions to buoy us, we can make them an anchor to take us down, believing we made a difference. It is normal to want our emotions to carry us across the waves, but we need to take point. We need to harbor ourselves ashore and safeguard the provisions we have. Emotions can be a beast to bear, becoming overwhelmed is an incredibly normal feeling, especially in the time and social climate we are in. But instead of trying to bargain our emotions for a physical reward, we should assume the role of beast and stand firm in the darkest nights. It could be easy to become a victim of our emotions, but where would we be if we let that happen?

This is a BEAUTIFUL piece of art!

For this week, turn inward. Observe what emotions you carry or consume. Seek control and lead yourself through each day. If there is an obstacle, find a way through it. If there is someone or a situation that stands against you, clearly decide if your emotional fight is worth the battle scar. Let the emotions be fluid and reside in your internal house. The reversed Father of Cups shows us that we can maintain dominion, and fill ourselves to the ribs with good and bad emotions. They are a catalyst for beauty and war, and all the rolling thunder in between. What we take and give is a choice.


**Thanks for reading. Please let me know how the reversed Father of Cups manifests for you. Hit FOLLOW and become part of my tribe. If you would like a personal reading, please email me at teaandtombstones@gmail.com.**

Tarot card is from The Wild Unknown. Click here to purchase this tarot deck. (This is not an affiliate link)

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