Wolf Child Magick

When is it inappropriate to read the tarot cards?



The tarot is a beautiful, binding, helpful, and honest tool that can reach into our skeletons and place the truth inside our ribs. It can give it a heartbeat, a quickened pace in our search to find our highest potentials. However, there are times when tarot is inappropriate. There are times when it is out of place to do a reading or seek a reading. This may seem counterproductive. Any tarot reader should surely be able to read on any topic, at any time, right? No. Above anything, a reading should be helpful. Some of these topics will just muddle the path. Some can get you in a whole heap of shit.







This are just my opinions; these are some of the values that I follow when I read for myself and others. I do not believe that my tarot cards are the crystal ball to all my answers. They are a unique and powerful friend. They will say what is meant to be said, and allow me to think about questions and possible actions. Just like any healthy relationship, boundaries are key. Boundaries do not diminish love. I love my boyfriend, but I don’t want him around for ladies’ night. There are times when tarot will not provide what is needed. That is okay, and not unexpected. We cannot get all of our knowledge or growth in one place.

**If you think that I could be a good match for you as reader, please email me at teaandtombstones@gmail.com. Please let me know any comments or questions you have about this, or anything with the tarot. Respect is key, and I love to hear other opinions. I don’t want to live in an echo chamber. Stay wild!**

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